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العنوان: The degree of practicing crisis management by school principals and its relationship with the school climate from point of view of principals and teachers of the governmental schools in Jerusalem city
المؤلفون: Muhisen, Siham
محيسن, سهام
الكلمات الرئيسية: Administration
Crisis Management
School principal
School Climate
إدارة الأزمات
مدير المدرسة
المناخ المدرسي
تاريخ النشر: 28-ديس-2022
الناشر: Al-Quds Open University
ملخص: This study aims at identifying the degree of practicing crisis management by school principals and its relationship with school climate from point of view of principals and teachers of the governorate schools in the city of Jerusalem. In the light of independent variables (sex, scientific qualification, years of service, job title), the researcher uses the mixed approach where the sample comprises of (382) principals and teachers of the governmental schools in the city of Jerusalem during the scholastic year 2021-2022. The sample has been selected based on the stratified random sampling, and the researcher has used the questionnaire as a tool for gathering data related with the problem of study. A questionnaire is designed to include two measurements, they are: Crisis Management and School Climate, As well as the interview to be tools for data collection. The study demonstrates that the degree of practicing crisis management by principals and its relationship with the school climate, from the point of view of principals and teachers of the governmental schools in the city of Jerusalem, is medium; It indicates that there are statistically significant differences at the significance level (α < .05) between the averages of crisis management among school principals, from the point of view of school principals and teachers in public schools in the city of Jerusalem, so the differences are in favor of the principal. The results demonstrates the level of school climate is medium from the point of view of principals and teachers of the governmental schools in the city of Jerusalem. It further illustrates that there are statistically significant differences at level of (α≤.05) between the means of school climate by principals from point of view of principals and teachers of the governmental schools in the city of Jerusalem, the differences were in favor of a manager. The results demonstrates that there is a statistically significant correlative relationship at level of (α≤0.01) between crisis management and school climate from point of view of principals and teachers of the governmental schools in the city of Jerusalem where Pearson’s correlation coefficient accounts for (.864***) with a positive correlation in the sense that the higher the degree of Crisis Management, the higher the level of School Climate. In addition, the results showed, that there was predictive ability at the significance level (α<.05) of the dimensions of crisis management in predicting the school climate from the point of view of school principals and teachers in public schools in Jerusalem. Based on the results, the study recommends staff of the Ministry of Education to pay more attention towards enhancing the knowledge acquired by principals in crisis management through holding training courses for principals and teachers, because they reflect in the level of school climate and, therefore, achieve the needed goals.
URI: https://dspace.qou.edu/handle/194/2798
يظهر في المجموعات:Educational Administration and Supervision - الإدارة والإشراف التربوي

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