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العنوان: The Reality of Clinical Supervision and its Relationship to the Development of Teachers 'Performance from the Impression of Governmental Schools Principals in Palestine
المؤلفون: Sultan, Samah
سلطان, سماح
تاريخ النشر: 4-ينا-2023
الناشر: Al-Quds Open University
ملخص: This study aims atrevealing the reality of clinical supervision and its relationship with teachers’ performance development from point of view of governmental school principals in Palestine. The researcher uses the mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative(, and a random sample has been selected under two phases. The sample comprises of (170) male and female principals and two tools have been used for the study. The first tool is the questionnaire which comprises of two parts: the reality of clinical supervision and development of teachers’ performance for purpose of collecting quantitative data, and the interview for purpose of collecting qualitative data where their credibility and reliability has been confirmed. The results demonstrate that the reality of clinical supervision is high concerning the fields of (noticing of teaching phase, the phase of analysis, evaluation and feedback) while it is medium in the field of planning phase. The results further demonstrate that the mean of estimates for study sample on the indicator of teachers’ performance development as a whole is high. The results of interviews show that the reality of clinical supervision in teachers’ performance development regarding its four fields is high, and demonstrate that there are no statistically significant variations between the means of four fields related to the reality of clinical supervision attributed to the variable (gender), however, there are statistically significant variations between means of the reality of clinical supervision in phases of planning and noticing of teaching attributed to the variable (scientific qualification). These variations are in favor of the master degree and above. The results reveal that there are statistically significant variation in the field of (planning phase) attributed to years of experience. The variations are in favor of (less than 5 years) while in the field of (noticing of teaching phase), the variations are in favor of (more than 10 years). But the variations for (analysis, evaluation and feedback phase) are in favor of (less than 5 years) and (more than 10 years). The results further demonstrate that there are statistically significant variations attributable for the variable: the educational directorate in both fields (noticing of teaching and analysis phase) where these variations are in favor of Ramallah & Al-Bireh Directorate of Education. However, the results indicate that there are no statistically significant variations between the means of teachers’ performance development attributable for the variable (gender and scientific qualification) and having statistically significant differences at (α≤0.05) between the means of teachers’ performance development attributable for the variable (years of experience, the educational directorate). The results also illustrate that there is a positive statistical correlation at level of (α≤0.05) between clinical supervision and teachers’ performance development where the results demonstrate that there is statistically predictive capability for the reality of clinical supervision in predicting the level of teachers’ performance development. Based on the results, the researcher recommended the need to give teachers workshops and training courses in the field of planning and evaluation by educational supervisors to increase their professional competence.
URI: https://dspace.qou.edu/handle/194/2797
يظهر في المجموعات:Educational Administration and Supervision - الإدارة والإشراف التربوي

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