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العنوان: The Role of the School Principal in Preparing New Teachers in Public Schools and its Relationship to Their Professional Growth from the Point of View of Educational Supervisors and Teachers in the Northern Governorates
المؤلفون: Albarghothi, Rowaida
البرغوثي, رويدة
الكلمات الرئيسية: role of the school principal
preparing new teachers
professional development
educational supervisors
Northern Governorates
دور مدير المدرسة في تهيئة المعلمين الجدد
النمو المهني للمعلمين الجدد
المشرفين التربويين
المحافظات الشمالية
تاريخ النشر: 18-ينا-2023
الناشر: Al-Quds Open University
ملخص: This study aimed to know the role of school principal in preparing the new teachers in public schools and its relation of professional development from the point of view of supervisors and teachers in north Governorate, to achieve this goal the researcher used the correlation approach, the study community consists of all new teachers in public schools in northern governorate and the educational supervisors for the educational year of 2021-2022 in (Nablus, Tulkarm, Ramallah and Albireh , Jericho, Bethlehem and North of Hebron district) which was about 732 teachers and 162 supervisor. The study tools (questionnaire and interview) were carried out on a stratified sample consists of 252 teachers and 30 supervisors. The results showed that the role of school principal was in medium level for the teacher's point of view and this results contacts with the results of interview with the supervisors especially that the role of school principal in preparing the new teachers concentrated in enable the new teachers in engaging with the school environment and to deal with the curriculum and evaluation. The results also showed that the professional development level for the new teachers in public schools in the north governorate was in high level form their point of view and this result contacts with the results of interview of the supervisors, where that 90% of supervisors said that the teacher professional developments appears in the technical sides which the supervisor work to strengthen it, as classroom management, planning. The results also showed that no significant differences at α ≤0.05 between the average of sample answers about the role of school principal because of the variables of the study (district, gender and the teaching level), but the differences appeared for favor of the BA and less. Also, the results showed that no differences of the average of sample answers of the professional development because of (district, gender, and the educational degree and the teaching level), but the results showed that there is statistically significant correlation between the role of the school principal in preparing new teachers and their professional development in public schools in the northern governorates from the perspective of new teachers, and this relationship between them was positive. This study recommended to focus on guiding the new teacher on how to overcome the difficulties he/she faces in implementing the educational curriculum, by defining the educational goals in the curriculum, and using the local environment to enrich the educational curriculum.
URI: https://dspace.qou.edu/handle/194/2793
يظهر في المجموعات:Educational Administration and Supervision - الإدارة والإشراف التربوي

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