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Results 61-70 of 126 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021أنماط التنشئة الأسرية الممارسة وعلاقتها بنمطي الشخصية (الانبساط والانطواء) ومفهوم الذات لدى النساء العاملات في المؤسسات الحكومية المدنية الفلسطينية في محافظة أريحا والأغوارAmeena Salah Abdullah Al-Mughrabi; أمينة صلاح المغربي
2021Facebook Addiction as an Intermediate Variable Between Marital Satisfaction and Emotional Communication Among A Sample of Married Couples in Tulkarm GovernorateAla Jamal Musa Abed Alnabi; ألاء جمال موسى عبد النبي
2021Psychological Hardness and its Relationship to Emotional Balance Among Nurses Working in Quarantine Centers in Hebron Governorate due to the Korna PandemicIman Yahya Eid Abu Aram; إيمان يحيى عيد ابوعرام
2021The Effectiveness of a Counseling Program Based on the Gelotherapy in Reducing Psychological and Social Pressure Among Women who have been Quarantined During the Corona PandemicIman Mohammed Badran; إيمان محمد حامد بدران
2021Attitudes Educational Counselors in Public Schools Towards Usage of Online Counseling in Light of The Corona Pandemic and Its Relationship to Their Professional-selfHanan Sobhi Abdel Karim Belbeisi; حنان صبحي عبد الكريم بلبيسي
2021The Relationship of Parental Treatment Methods with Professional Tendencies Among High School (Tawjihi) Students in Jerusalem City SchoolsShireen Zuhair Obeid; شيرين زهير عيسى عبيد
2021Life Styles and Their Relations to Psychological Pollution Among a Sample of Palestinian University StudentsHasna Ahmed Hassan Odeh; حسنة أحمد حسن عودة
2021Wife Abuse and its Relation with Psychosomatic Disorders Symptoms among a Sample of Married Women in Hebron GovernorateSamraa Nitham Qaaqoor; سمراء نظام عبد الرحمن قعقور
2021The Psychological Adjustment and its relationship to social support for a sample of patients with chronic renal failure at Palestine Medical ComplexTahany Abdelfattah Mathar; تهاني عبد الفتاح مظهر
2021Psychological Security and its Relation with Self-Concept Among Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Ramallah and Albirah GovernorateOrub AyobAlarab; عروب أيوب العرب