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العنوان: The Role of Women in Political Life during the Umayyad Era and Their Impact on Da'wah
المؤلفون: Nofal, Amani
نوفل, أماني
الكلمات الرئيسية: دور المرأة
الحياة السياسية
العصر الأموي
الدعوة الإسلامية
مكانة المرأة
Role of Women
Political Life
Umayyad Era
Islamic Da'wah
Status of Women
تاريخ النشر: 30-أغس-2023
الناشر: Al-Quds Open University
ملخص: Islam cared about women، so we see it cared for her as a daughter، sister، mother، wife، and Muslim woman، and it legislated for her general provisions common to men and specific provisions to regulate her affairs. Islam did not oppress women as did others who put man-made laws. This thesis dealt with the issue of the political role of women in the Umayyad era and its impact on the call to God. The importance of this thesis lies in the fact that it discussed the role and position of women in Islamic times، especially in the Umayyad era، and to get acquainted with many women who shined in the Umayyad era and their role in the political life in the Umayyad era. Because of the historical nature of the news related to women in the Islamic eras، especially the Umayyad era، in the historical sources، the letter followed the descriptive historical approach in employing this news to serve the goals of the message. The thesis included an introduction، three chapters with several topics for each of them، and a conclusion. The preamble came with a historical overview of women and their position in Islam. The first chapter dealt with the meaning of politics and the importance of political action in Islam and its controls. And the second topic talked about the importance of political action in Islam and its controls and the role of women in political action in Islam، with a request for each of them. As for the second chapter، it talked about the role of Muslim women in political life، and was organized into two sections. The first dealt with the status of women in Islam. As for the second topic، it dealt with the position of Islam on women's participation in political work، and it was represented in seven demands. The third chapter talked about the political life of women in the era of the Umayyad dynasty and its impact on the Islamic call in four topics. The first dealt with the role of women in political life throughout history، from the pre-Islamic era to the Abbasid era، with a request for each of them. As for the second topic، it talked about the meaning of the Umayyad era and a historical view of the establishment of the Umayyad state، its characteristics، and the position of women in it، with a request for each of them. As for the third topic، it dealt with the work of women in the Umayyad era.، and he spoke in four demands. The conclusion included the results and recommendations، and the most important findings were as follows: • Politics in Islam is an integral part of the Sharia، which includes all aspects of life. It is not appropriate here to say that there is no politics except what is mentioned in the Sharia. It is more correct here to say that there is no politics except what is in accordance with the Sharia. • All areas of political work are legally permitted to be undertaken by those who are qualified for them، whether man or woman، and the question remains which woman and for what place، and this is determined by the law of the state، for example، the president determines the ministers، men and women، and the elections determine the members of the parliament، men and women، and there is no jurisprudential definition that determines these matters، Legitimate politics is what is in accordance with the interest of the nation. • Many of the women of the Umayyad era were associated with righteousness، asceticism، charitable and advocacy works، and they participated in the processions of doing good deeds، and a number of women preachers and jurists emerged in the field of advocacy and spread it. Finally: The treatise ended with general indexes of the sources and references، and the contents.
URI: https://dspace.qou.edu/handle/194/2841
يظهر في المجموعات:ماجستير الدعوة الاإسلامية والعلاقات الدولية في الإسلام - Islamic Da’wa and International Relations in Islam

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