الرجاء استخدام هذا المعرف للاستشهاد او الربط بهذا البحث : https://dspace.qou.edu/handle/194/2827
العنوان: The Influence of Digital Transformation on the Quality Level of the Governmental Services: The Case of the Palestinian Land and Water Settlement Authority
المؤلفون: Soudi, Lina
سعودي, لينا
الكلمات الرئيسية: Electronic Management
Reliability and Trust
Technological Environment
Digital Transformation
Service Quality
الإدارة الالكترونية
الاعتمادية والثقة
البيئة التكنولوجية
التحول الرقمي
جودة الخدمة
تاريخ النشر: 21-يون-2022
الناشر: Al-Quds Open University
ملخص: The study deals with the application of the concept of digital transformation (DX) in all government transactions and in the Land and Water Settlement Authority in particular. The study aims to identify the role of digital transformation and its impact on the quality of services provided by the Palestinian Land and Water Settlement Authority (LWSC) to citizens. The study presents recommendations and suggestions that help the authority's management work on improving the quality of services through digital transformation based on information and communication technology. The study population consisted of 465 employees of LWSC، and the quantitative analytical descriptive approach was used in this study. One of the most significant results of the study is to present a proposed model for DX in the Palestinian Lands and Water Settlement Authority and to identify the differences in the employees’ opinions about the dimensions of the digital transformation and the quality of services provided by LWSC. The study also came up with some recommendations، which are: the government should pay attention to stimulating creativity and innovation in small and medium-sized companies to urge them to digital transformation; the government should take the opportunities to participate in the implementation of (DX) projects; the institution should establish an integrated information base and provide financial allocations; the awareness of managers and employees of the importance of digital culture and the transformation of digital administrative work; with the need for effective development before they are digitally rehabilitated; and the company or the institution should establish a department concerned with information application technology in the authority and should be directly related to all the authority’s departments.
URI: https://dspace.qou.edu/handle/194/2827
يظهر في المجموعات:Management & Public policy - ماجستير الإدارة والسياسات العامة

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