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العنوان: The effect of applying administrative empowerment on the creative behavior of workers in Palestinian government institutions (case study of the Palestinian Ministry of Labor)
المؤلفون: Hamayel, Thaer
حمايل, ثائر
الكلمات الرئيسية: administrative empowerment
creative behavior
Palestinian governmental institutions
Palestinian Ministry of Labor
التمكين الإداري
السلوك الإبداعي
المؤسسات الحكومية الفلسطينية
وزارة العمل الفلسطينية
تاريخ النشر: 30-أغس-2022
الناشر: Al-Quds Open University
ملخص: The study aimed to identify the impact of the application of administrative empowerment on the creative behavior of workers in Palestinian government institutions (case study of the Palestinian Ministry of Labor), and the researcher used the descriptive analytical approach in order to achieve this main goal. The comprehensive survey sample (the available sample) was selected with a number of( 100) and the questionnaire was distributed to them, and the SPSS program was used to analyze the data collected from the sample. The studies reached several results, the most important of which were: • High qualifications have a high degree of creativity, unlike the lower qualifications. Here, the development of creative behavior is through empowerment and qualification for the emergence of creative behavior among workers. • The experience and knowledge of effective means of communication in the ministry and the relationships that are built over the years of service and the high ability to access information in the ministry all make years of service an essential element in the formation of creative behavior. • The job title has a prominent role in determining the nature of administrative empowerment. Each job title has a specific empowerment through which it can show creative behavior in a different way according to the job title. • There is an impact for all areas of administrative empowerment, with different percentages, on creative behavior, each of which has a certain percentage of influence that leads to an increase in creative behavior in the Palestinian Ministry of Labor. The researcher made a number of recommendations based on the results of the study, and the most important of these recommendations were: the need to enhance the administrative empowerment of employees in the various ministries, especially the Ministry of Labor for development and showing the capabilities of workers, conducting important courses that help in developing the various capabilities of the global in the output of its various innovations, Urging the various departments to empower workers in order to raise the administrative level in the ministry.
URI: https://dspace.qou.edu/handle/194/2817
يظهر في المجموعات:Management & Public policy - ماجستير الإدارة والسياسات العامة

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