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العنوان: The Degree of Application of Administrative Accountability and its Relationship to the Professional Compatibility among Primary School Principals from the Point of View of Educational Supervisors and Teachers in the Northern Governorates
المؤلفون: Hija, Mohammad
حجة, محمد
الكلمات الرئيسية: Administrative accountability
professional compatibility
basic schools
Northern Governorates
المساءلة الإدارية
التوافق المهني
المدارس الأساسية
المحافظات الشمالية
تاريخ النشر: 24-ينا-2023
الناشر: Al-Quds Open University
ملخص: The study aimed to identify the degree of implement of administrative accountability and its relationship to professional compatibility among primary school principals from the point of view of educational supervisors and teachers in the northern governorates, according to the variable: (gender, educational qualification, years of experience, job title). During the collection of quantitative and qualitative (mixed) data, the questionnaire was applied to a random sample of (426) teachers and supervisors, and the interview was carried out on a sample of (30) teachers and supervisors, and their validity and reliability were confirmed. The results showed that the overall degree to the degree of administrative accountability of principals of basic schools in the northern governorates was high and on its four areas. Attending to work on the specified dates, reviewing the special preparation book, encouraging team work in solving issues presented to the teachers and giving them the opportunity to discuss them and come up with appropriate solutions. The results also showed that the level of professional compatibility among the principals of primary schools in the northern governorates was high. This was confirmed by the results of the interview, as it showed that the school principal encourages the teacher to plan well for the lesson “in all its comprehensiveness in terms of setting goals and activities that support the goals, and implementing them through familiarity and knowledge of the aspects of the scientific subject.” The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences at the significance level of (α≤.05) between the averages of the practice of administrative accountability and professional compatibility among principals of basic schools in the northern governorates due to the variables: gender, educational qualification, and the presence of statistically significant differences between the means of practicing administrative accountability and compatibility. The professional according to the variables (years of experience, job title), and it also showed the existence of a positive and direct statistical correlation between the application of administrative accountability and professional compatibility among principals of basic schools. In the light of the results, the researcher recommends that the principal necessary encourages teachers to use appropriate assessment methods according to students differences, through which the teacher can measure students' cognitive abilities.
URI: https://dspace.qou.edu/handle/194/2807
يظهر في المجموعات:Educational Administration and Supervision - الإدارة والإشراف التربوي

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