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العنوان: The Role of Preachers and Their Impact on Spreading Islamic Da'wah and Shaping Its Image in the West (Britain as a Model)
المؤلفون: Badareen, Ismaiel
بدارين, اسماعيل
الكلمات الرئيسية: الدعاة
الدعوة الإسلامية
الصورة في الغرب
Islamic Da'wah
Image in the West
تاريخ النشر: 2023
الناشر: Al-Quds Open University
ملخص: This study dealt with the role of preachers and their impact in spreading Islamic da'wa and shaping its image in the West, and the idea of this study came in how to activate the role of preachers in the West in general and Britain in particular and to know their good impact in spreading Islam among members of western society through mosques and Islamic advocacy centers, the United Kingdom (Britain) was chosen as a model for this study because this country has large numbers of Muslims from different countries of the world as Britain was a large colonial state On the one hand, many Muslim peoples were dominated by Islam, which entered the United Kingdom early and had an impact on the formation of Muslim minorities with an extension throughout British territory. The study started from the problem that Islam is still a stranger in the countries of the West that many European peoples are afraid of, or what is known as the phenomenon of "Islamophobia", so preachers must be responsible by conveying the bright and centrist image to Western societies. The importance and justifications of this study come from the fact that it deals with an important topic in the life of the preacher, which is the image of Islam and its proper dissemination in societies that view Islam in a hostile way in which there is a lot of suspicion and suspicion towards the other, as well as the topic deals with the most honorable religions, the duty to care about Islam and its sciences is a legitimate duty of the importance of this religion in the lives of individuals and societies. The researcher used two types: the descriptive approach, which describes the reality of preachers in the West in general and Britain in particular as it exists by looking at the books, articles and news written on this subject... Etc. The second is the analytical inductive approach where reality is read and analyzed by reviewing the opinions of jurists, scholars and the researcher's beliefs on this subject. In order to achieve this, I divided the letter into two chapters, where the first chapter included two sections in which I talk about the genesis of the call in the West, as well as the apostle's approach to the call. The second chapter was divided into four sections in which I talk about the means of preaching in the West, the third chapter into two sections in which I deal with the Muslim community in Britain and its role in Islamic preaching in Western societies, while the fourth and final chapter reviewed the most important obstacles and difficulties facing dawa in the West. Then the last section of the letter results and recommendations. The study concluded a number of findings, the most important of which was: Islam has deep roots in Western and British societies in particular, as the first Muslim immigrants entered that country and acted as advocates for spreading the Muhammadan message. The researcher also found that the number of Islamic centers, associations and mosques is increasing significantly and in steady growth, as these advocacy centers seek to settle themselves within Western and British societies. The study came up with a number of recommendations, including: the need to work to train preachers to be a luminous image of Islam in the middle in which they live, and the need to work hard to inform the da'wa in the first place and focus on following up on the situations that enter Islam and to stay away from the sectarian difference between the Islamic communities and refer to the validity of religion in communicating the invitation.
URI: https://dspace.qou.edu/handle/194/2840
يظهر في المجموعات:ماجستير الدعوة الاإسلامية والعلاقات الدولية في الإسلام - Islamic Da’wa and International Relations in Islam

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