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العنوان: Psychological security and its relationship to self-efficacy and methods of combating sexual harassment among a sample of high school female students in the Northern Governorates
المؤلفون: Gangar, Reem
قنقر, ريم
الكلمات الرئيسية: psychological security
confronting sexual harassment
الأمن النفسي
الفاعلية الذاتية
مواجهة التحرش الجنسي
تاريخ النشر: 25-يون-2022
الناشر: Al-Quds Open University
ملخص: The study aims at defining psychological security and its relationship to self-efficacy and methods of confronting sexual harassment among a sample of secondary school students in the northern governorates. To attain the goals of this study, the researcher used the descriptive correlative methodology, and the (psychological security) scale, the (self-efficacy) scale and the (methods of confronting sexual harassment) scale were developed. The study sample consists of (382) female students, who were selected using the Cluster random sampling method. The results show that there is a high level of psychological security with a mean of (3.82), a high level of self-efficiency with a mean of (4.06), and a high level of methods of confronting sexual harassment with a mean of (4.16) for the avoidance method and (3.73) for the confrontation method. Moreover, results show that there are statistically significant differences at the significance level (α≤.05) in the psychological security averages of the study sample due to the variable of the place of residence; And it came in favor of (city), and the family income variable came in favor of (high), and there were statistically significant differences at the significance level (α≤.05) in the average self-efficacy due to the family income variable and it came in favor of (high), in addition to a strong positive relationship between psychological security and self-efficacy, and a strong positive relationship between psychological security and methods of confronting sexual harassment, and a weak positive relationship between self-efficacy and methods of confronting sexual harassment.
URI: https://dspace.qou.edu/handle/194/2760
يظهر في المجموعات:Psychological and Educational Counseling - الإرشاد النفسي والتربوي

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