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العنوان: Using Body Language Skills and their Relationship to Professional Performance Among Educational Counselors in the West Bank Governorates
المؤلفون: Maysaa Ahmad Al-Abed Allan Al-Tarifi
ميساء أحمد العبد عبد الفتاح علان الطريفي
الكلمات الرئيسية: body language, professional performance, educational counselors
لغة الجسد، الأداء المهني، المرشدون التربويون
تاريخ النشر: 2020
الناشر: جامعة القدس المفتوحة/Al-Quds Open University
ملخص: The present study aimed to reveal the relationship between the use of body language skills and the professional performance of educational counselors in the governorates of the West Bank (Palestine), and the impact of some demographic variables on them, namely: (academic qualification, years of experience, age, gender), and the descriptive approach was used. The study sample consisted of (190) male and female counselors in the schools of Education Directorates in the West Bank, during the academic year (2019/2020), and they were chosen by the available sampling method, and to achieve the study objectives, two study tools were developed: (Body language scale and professional performance ), And after confirming the psychometric characteristics of them, they were applied to the study sample, and the results reached a positive direct relationship between body language skills and professional performance of the sample, whose value was (0.480), i.e. the higher the degree of body language skills, the higher the level of professional performance and vice versa, and it showed The study showed that the results of the two levels of body language use and professional performance were high, and the results showed a predictive ability of the dimensions of body language skills in the level of professional performance by(31.6%), and that there were no differences in the use of body language skills attributed to the variable (A While there were statistically significant differences in some areas of the variables (years of experience, age, and academic qualification), and there were no differences in the professional performance of the mentors due to the variable (gender), while differences were found due to variables (years of experience, age, and academic qualification). Based on the results of the study, the researcher recommended several recommendations, the most prominent of which are: recommendations to educational counselors, the Directorate of Education, and educational institutions confirming the interest in the counselor to develop his professional performance and the interest in employing body language in the counseling process through a group of training programs and special courses.
URI: https://dspace.qou.edu/handle/194/2591
يظهر في المجموعات:Psychological and Educational Counseling - الإرشاد النفسي والتربوي

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