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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017تقدير صورة الجسد وعلاقتها بالمخاوف الاجتماعية وتقدير الذات لدى عينة من طلبة الجامعة في فلسطينحمدان أسمر دراغمة, برهان; Burhan HamdanAsmarDragameh
2017الشعور بالأمن النفسي وعلاقته بالصلابة النفسيةٌ لدى زوجات الأسرى ذوي الأحكام العاليةٌ في محافظة رام الله والبيرةمحمد مصطفى الشوابكة, سامية
2018التوافق الزواجي وعلاقته بتقدير الذات لدى ذوي الإعاقة الحركية في محافظتي بيت لحم والخليلمحمد موسى ابراهيم, مؤيد
2020Using Body Language Skills and their Relationship to Professional Performance Among Educational Counselors in the West Bank GovernoratesMaysaa Ahmad Al-Abed Allan Al-Tarifi; ميساء أحمد العبد عبد الفتاح علان الطريفي
2019Marital skills and their relation to marital satisfactions for newly married women in Rammallah and Al-Beireh GovernorateNeda Abed Alrhman Ahmed Awawdeh; نداء عبد الرحمن أحمد عواودة
2021Social Stigma and its Relation with Future Anxiety and Social Isolation Among Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Ramallah and Al-Bireh GovernorateJehad Mohammed Abed Alrhman Al-Araj; جهاد محمد عبد الرحمن الأعرج
2018Psychological and Social Problems and its Relation with Future Anxiety among the Children Enrolled in Accommodation Institutions in the West BankEsraa Sulaiman Yahya Balalu; إسراء سليمان يحيى بلالو
2020The Effect of Playing Electronic Games on Aggressive Behavior and its relation with Parental Treatment Methods among Students in the Lower Basic Stage in Ramallah and AL-Beria Governmental Schools from the Parents Point of viewAla'a Samih Suleiman Qasarwa; ألآء سميح قصاروة
2019Marital skills and their relation to marital satisfactions for newly married women in Rammallah and Al-Beireh GovernorateNeda Abed Alrhman Ahmed Awawdeh; نداء عبد الرحمن أحمد عواودة
2020The Effectiveness of a counseling program based on Multimodal Treatment(Lazarus model) in improving self-assertion and reducing Future Anxiety Among Tenth Grade StudentsRana Mohmmad Khattab; رنا محمد سليمان خطاب