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Results 111-120 of 126 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-02-13Academic Adjustment and its Relation with Optimism and Pessimism among Graduate Studies Students at Al-Quds Open University in Light of the Shift Towards E-learning due to Corona PandemicShaheen, Abeer; شاهين, عبير
2021-03-16Wife Abuse and its Relation with Psychosomatic Disorders Symptoms among a Sample of Married Women in Hebron GovernorateKa'kour, Samra'; قعقور, سمراء
2023-03-22Rational Thinking and its Correlation with the Handling of Life Pressures Among a Sample of Female Workers at Sewing Workshops in Hebron GovernorateAbu Aziza, Afaf; أبو عزيزة, عفاف
2019-09-07Attitudes of Educational Counselors Towards Professional Counseling and Their Relation to Professional Guidance Skills in the Governmental Schools of Northern GovernoratesMohsen, Mohammad; محسن, محمد
2019-05-21Parenting Styles and their Relationship to the Academic Achievement Motivation among High School Students in JerusalemBakri, Mohammad; بكري, محمد
2021-02-13Irrational Thoughts and Their Relation to Academic Procrastination in a Sample of Secondary Stage Students in the Schools of Ramallah and AlBireh Governorate – PalestineYahya, Wa'd; يحيى, وعد
2019-02-05Marital skills and their relation to marital satisfactions for newly married women in Rammallah and Al-Beireh GovernorateAwawdeh, Neda'; عواودة, نداء
2019-01-29The Effectiveness of a Counseling Cognitive- Behavioral Program in Improving Psychological Well- Being among Al- Quds Open University StudentsDamiri, Mohannad; ضميري, مهند
2019-03-25Partner Selection Criteria and its Relation to Marital Compatibility among Sample of Married Employees in Educational Directorate of Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate SchoolsGhaudan, Wafa'; غيظان, وفاء
2021-02-14Identity Crisis and its Relationship to Self-concept among Adolescents in the Schools of Bethlehem GovernorateAhesawi, Mohannad; العيساوي, مهند