استعرض اللغات تاريخ النشر

فرز حسب: رتب: النتائج:

  • Open Learning Center – OLC (Al-Quds Open University – Palestine, 2014-06-27)
    جاءت الوحدة السادسة لمقرر نصوص شعرية (2) بعنوان شعر الجهاد في فترة الحروب الصليبية، لتتناول المعالم البارزة في أحداث الصراع بين المسلمين والفرنجة، الحروب الصليبية حتى فتح القدس سنة 583/1189م ، تحليل قصيدة ابن القيسراني في ...
  • Open Learning Center – OLC (Al-Quds Open University – Palestine, 2014-06-30)
    جاءت الوحدة السابعة لمقرر نصوص شعرية (2) بعنوان رثاء المدن والممالك، لتتناول ظاهرة رثاء المدن والممالك الزائلة في الشعر العربي ،تحليل القصيدة المنسوبة للأبيوردي في رثاء بيت المقدس ، وتحليل قصيدة أبي البقاء الرُّندي في رثاء ...
  • Open Learning Center – OLC (Al-Quds Open University – Palestine, 2014-07-26)
    This unit is about comparison and contrast, as we know that they are used in communication, spoken and written language, to make what we say or write about persons, things, ideas etc… both of them are common and useful ...
  • Open Learning Center – OLC (Al-Quds Open University – Palestine, 2014-07-27)
    This unit has dealt with cause and effect. First, the nature of cause and effect was discussed. Secondly, it was shown how cause and effect could occur in one and the same sentence as well as between sentences. This can ...
  • Open Learning Center – OLC (Al-Quds Open University – Palestine, 2014-07-28)
    Generalization and qualification can occur at the sentence and discourse levels. They can take place on their own. Moreover, generalization and qualification can also be used in writing in conjunction with other language ...
  • Open Learning Center – OLC (Al-Quds Open University – Palestine, 2014-07-29)
    In this unit you have to study what data and interpretation of data mean. As you have seen, interpretation of data involves various function of language such as comparison, contrast, making generalization, exemplification ...
  • Argument 
    Open Learning Center – OLC (Al-Quds Open University – Palestine, 2014-07-30)
    An argument linguistically, speaking, is a disagreement between two or more people, sometimes resulting in them shouting angrily at each other. An argument is also a set of statements (sentences) that you use in order to ...
  • Open Learning Center – OLC (Al-Quds Open University – Palestine, 2014-07-31)
    An inference is something you decide that it is true on the basis of information you have, while the on the other hand, conclusion is basically the ending of something. A conclusion often involves making a summary of the ...
  • Open Learning Center – OLC (Al-Quds Open University – Palestine, 2014-08-09)
    This unit deals with English in the mass-media. It investigates the scope of English used in the mass- media as having specific characteristics that distinguish it from other types of ESP. Therefore the unit highlights ...
  • Open Learning Center – OLC (Al-Quds Open University – Palestine, 2014-08-09)
    This unit deals with English in the mass-media. It investigates the scope of English used in the mass- media as having specific characteristics that distinguish it from other types of ESP. Therefore the unit highlights ...
  • Open Learning Center – OLC (Al-Quds Open University – Palestine, 2014-08-10)
    This is the final unit of the book in which an overview of ESP is given. In addition, specific examination of the language of law, medicine, literature and religion is made. Finally a discussion will be given on the ...
  • Open Learning Center – OLC (Al-Quds Open University – Palestine, 2014-08-10)
    This is the final unit of the book in which an overview of ESP is given. In addition, specific examination of the language of law, medicine, literature and religion is made. Finally a discussion will be given on the ...
  • مؤلف غير معروف (جامعة القدس المفتوحة, 7/12/2014)
    ستتناول هذه الوحدة، مدخل يبين الاتجاهين الرئيسين في النقد الأدبي، ويقدم تعريفاً موجزاً بطبيعة كل من الاتجاهين. وأهم المناهج التي تندرج تحت الاتجاه الأول، اتجاه دراسة الأدب من الخارج، وسيتناول بشيء من التفصيل بعض المناهج ...

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